Shipboard Sampling

Shipboard surveys are executed routinely by NERACOOS partners in the Gulf of Maine and Long Island Sound. The Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO) near the Bay of Fundy, primarily to obtain HAB and supporting oceanographic measurements, and across the Northeast Channel, primarily to monitor oceanic inputs to the Gulf of Maine. UNH executes routine shipboard surveys in Wilkinson Basin in the Gulf of Maine and along a transect spanning the coastal current in the western Gulf of Maine adjacent to the New Hampshire coast. Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (CT DEP) conducts shipboard surveys in support of a water quality monitoring program.

  • National Marine Fisheries Service - The Northeast Fisheries Science Center conducts bottom trawl surveys for Northwest Atlantic marine organisms. Survey cruises use a bottom trawl to sample randomly selected stations in an attempt to delineate the species composition, geographic distribution, and abundance of various resources.The surveys are designed to provide information on the abundance, biology, and distribution of the living marine resources of the Northwest Atlantic and the environmental conditions affecting them for management purposes and to provide for broadscale ecosystems research.

  • Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO) - The BIO shipboard survey in the northern Gulf of Maine builds on a Canadian program for sampling plankton, nutrients, and standard conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profiles at five stations near the Wolves Islands in the Bay of Fundy. The BIO survey across the Northeast Channel in the Gulf of Maine is an extension of the much larger Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceanography (DFO) Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP) survey.

  • Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary

  • University of New Hamsphire - UNH Coastal Ocean Observing Center conducted five monthly Wilkinson Basin and coastal transect surveys, collecting a comprehensive suite of discrete and profiling data at sixteen stations. An example data synthesis product from these observations indicates all new data on transitions between phytoplankton assemblages as monitored over a multi-year span in the Western Gulf of Maine.

  • UMass Boston -

  • CT DEP - water quality monitoring program

  • NURC - recording bottom habitat conditions with new high definition video

NERACOOS Shipboard Survey Partners:

UMass Boston
National Marine Fisheries Service